Sansevieria Cylindrica in Porcelain vessel
Sansevieria Cylindrica in Porcelain vessel
The CeramicEden collection is a modern, unadorned, installation project pairing hand thrown porcelain and earthenware pots with plants. Laura Straus’ studio is located in the sunny corner of Piermont Straus Gallery.
Sansevieria cylindrica has striped, elongate, smooth, greenish-gray subcylindrical leaves. They are up to 3 cm (1 in) diameter and grow up to 2 m (7 ft) above soil. The Spear Sansevieria grows fan-shaped, with its stiff leaves growing from a basal rosette. The species is drought-tolerant and in cultivation requires water only about once every other week during the growing season. The species can be watered once a month during the winter months. The species was described by Wenceslas Bojer in 1837. Sansevieria cylindrica received its name from a competition in a Dutch national newspaper. It is popular as an ornamental plant as it is easy to culture and take care of in a home if given bright sunlight and other required resources.
Here paired with Porcelain vessel hand-thrown by CeramicEden